All posts tagged: guidebook

She’s Just Not That Into You (Book Review)

Back in 2006, I read a book called He’s Just Not That Into You, and it sort of changed my life. I came to terms with what was missing in my relationships, I started picking up on signs of disinterest from men, and I found a partner who loved me. We got married in 2009, and have been happy ever since. This is not a review on that book. This is a review on a book of similar title and nature (I’m assuming a play on the 2006 book). She’s Just Not That Into You is Aryka Randall’s first book. She created The Fab Femme Mag in 2010, an online magazine celebrating “feminine lesbian women.” From there, she added youtube content and web-series to her repertoire. I had never heard of Ms. Randall before, but after reading her book, I feel like she is a trusted friend. She wrote as if she was talking directly to me! (Well, to a younger me). Actually, Randall wrote this book with black, queer women in mind. I do not identify as …